Horse racing is one of the oldest sports and has been practiced in civilizations around the world since ancient times. It has also been a major part of myth and legend, such as the contest between Odin’s steeds in Norse mythology.
While the sport of horse racing has a romanticized image, it is not without its dark side. In fact, the world of horse racing is a nightmare for horses, which are subjected to grueling competition that can often result in injuries or death.
In the United States, where horse racing is most popular, the sport has a patchwork of rules, with dozens of states regulating the industry. This means that different jurisdictions can have a different standard for things like the use of whips, medication for horses, and other safety measures.
A recent PETA investigation into Thoroughbred horse trainer Steve Asmussen revealed that he routinely drugged sore and injured horses to make them run faster, causing serious harm to their health. This practice is a serious violation of the Animal Welfare Act and is why the Jockey Club and leading horse-racing companies are joining with members of Congress to call for stricter medication oversight.
The horse-racing industry is rife with cruelty, and it’s time for the public to take action to protect horses from this cruel sport. In response to a petition from PETA and its supporters, the National Jockey Club and horse-racing commissions in several states have proposed new legislation requiring sweeping changes to the rules of the game.
Those changes would include stricter medication oversight and the elimination of whips from horse races. They would also require trainers to get veterinarian approval for every medication they give their horses.
Many of these medications can cause severe side effects, including liver damage, kidney failure, and even death. For these reasons, PETA supports the creation of a federal regulatory agency to oversee and regulate all aspects of horse-racing, as well as to create an endowment for veterinarians.
While the horse-racing industry is a major source of revenue for the United States, it has become an increasingly unpopular and dangerous activity for horses. In addition to the gruesome abuse of these animals, many of them are forced to sprint at dangerous speeds, often under the threat of whips, and can suffer injury or death.
These horses are often sold to other countries and slaughtered. PETA estimates that 10,000 “unprofitable” or unwanted Thoroughbreds are trucked to Canada and Mexico each year, where they are killed for their meat.
Although the equine industry is an important source of revenue in the United States, it has been struggling for years to find a way to survive the economic downturn. This includes a growing shortage of trained horses, which are needed for races.
As well as the decline in the number of horses, the industry is facing an economic downturn due to increased gambling losses. This is a problem that could impact the industry for decades to come.